CSR Projects - Heycarb PLC

Haycarb - “Puritas Sathdiyawara”

The project “Sath Diyawara” is an initiation of giving hope to people and enrich their lives by provision of good quality water and facilitating their socio-economical needs. The project aims at providing quality drinking water for people affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in the affected areas (primarily North Central and Northern Provinces) in Sri Lanka.

For this,Sath Diyawara establishes 10m3 Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purification system in each village and multiple (7 – 16) docking stations in and around the village, a bowser mounted two wheel tractor is provided to ensure all villagers have equal access to clean drinking water. Going the extra mile, the project also recognizes the importance of peoples’ awareness of the impact of the disease and ways to prevent it, thus have established libraries and internet access points to disseminate knowledge on the conditions of CKD while keeping the villagers up-to-date. It also encompasses the importance of creating a sustainable environment, thus promotes organic agriculture through established model organic farms and waste management programs implemented in selected villages. The project also targets livelihood development of the aforesaid villagers to uplift their socioeconomic conditions.

‘Sath Diyawara’ provides purified drinking water for 33,593 people across four districts (Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya) through 16 projects (in 16 villages) implemented so far. The project provides access to five libraries and internet access portals for more than 5,000 children.

Donating 125 Stationary Packs - Sri Saranathissa Vidyalaya, Bdalgama

Drinking Water Supply to Villagers During the Drought

Renovation of Delpakadawala Temple

Heycarb - Temple renovation

Donations to Students in Madampe Area