Industrial association of Badalgama

Industrial Association of Badalgama (IAB) was established in January 2017 with the objectives of Promoting the coexistence of industries, Sharing best practices of industries, Safeguarding and mitigating the adverse impacts to the environment and Closely engaging with the society with integrated CSR activities.

Currently, IAB is having the membership of all major companies in a radius of 5 km to Badalgama, who are engaged with vide range of business activities such as Chicken processing, Fish processing, Activated carbon manufacturing, Industrial and Agricultural tyre manufacturing, Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Assembling and Cable Harnessing – (Electronic Manufacturing Service – EMS), Garment manufacturing and constructions. Our members are engaged in domestic and international business activities and sharing the vast knowledge of these business ventures, which is one objective of the association would help the industries to uplift their styles to match modern world. We encourage our members to maintain environmentally balanced business activities and we share our knowledge and wealth with the surrounding community and help them to uplift their life styles.

Objectives of IAB

Promoting the Coexistence of Industries

Sharing best Practices of Industries

Safeguard and Mitigating The Adverse Impacts To The Environment

Closely Engage With The Society With Integrated CSR Activities


IAB is a registered organisation at Divisional Secretarial, Divulapitiya, Sri Lanka. IAB registration number is Div/391/2020.